Withstanding the Harmattan

Withstanding the Harmattan

        By Oluwatoyin Ajayi

PhotoCredit: Taiwo Oni
      From the Twi word 'haramata' brings in hot, dry and dusty winds that blow across West Africa from     the Sahara Desert into Gulf of Guinea. Every year in November welcomes the harmattan season, which lasts into the first two or three months of  next year. While this season arrives very early and harsh in most Northern part of Nigeria, it is usually lenient in the West and in some other parts.
    Last week a friend who resides at Kaduna State, chatted me up to announce how cruel the weather condition is in the place. Same last week another friend who resides at Oyo State, wrote on her status: "The dust these days isn't smiling at all."  The weather can be favourable and unfavourable at the same time and in different places.
The Harmattan season is also associated with low humidity, as a result, the weather is harsh to the skin and body. The skin becomes dry and lips crack. Research as shown that there are some micro-organisms that cause diseases during harmattan period. For instance, Harmattan dust particles aggravate respiratory tract that affect the nose, eye irritations, pneumonia, flu (catarrh), cough and other ailments. Asthmatic patients are in particular prone to suffer during harmattan. As the season is characterised by cold, it is necessary to take precautions, especially in children and old ones. In order words, to withstand the harmattan, it is important we:
* Drink lot of water everyday, instead of carbonated drinks to prevent dehydration and heart-stroke  
Take Vitamin C to reduce the contract of flu (Catarrh)
* Put on warm clothing, especially on Children/Old ones. We can loosen up your clothes as the day heats up
* Make use of  Body Moisturiser or Petroleum Jelly, Oil and Lip Balm
* Limit exposure to Dust and Make use of Nose Cover
* Be Careful with Fires, as it tends to aggravate during this period
Wear Protective Hairstyles
Air Conditioners should also be serviced to avoid inducing harmattan symptoms
Avoid Flying. Besides flights are usually rescheduled or cancelled, during this period
     Stay Healthy, Stay Safe.

Withstanding the Harmattan Withstanding the Harmattan Reviewed by Oluwatoyin Ajayi on November 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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