Travel Inspires

Travel Inspires with Sisi
By Oluwatoyin Ajayi

Everything we experience in life and every place we witness becomes a memory that we will never forget: A Lifetime Memory.
We got separated from those amazing people, the pictures we took that moment becomes memories. But what if we lost those pictures or our mobile phone got stolen. Yea, God forbid we say. The human brain and mind is powerful when it comes to recollecting events and happenings. That is why the memories we make will forever live in our heart.
That is why I agree with Desai. I have experienced it before. In fact, several times and I am glad I met those special people. They have become part of me in so many ways, which I will always cherish.
Muse: @sisiologe2020.
Travel Inspires Travel Inspires Reviewed by Oluwatoyin Ajayi on July 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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